Instructor Profile Guidelines

Profile Guidelines To Follow

All instructors must conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times to be a part of the Invested Pro community. In order to maintain a professional learning environment for all members, the following profile guidelines must be followed:

Profile Name Guidelines

  • If you are teaching as an individual, you must use your first and last name on your profile
  • If you are teaching as part of a company or organization, the Profile may be either your name or your company / organization name
  • The avatar photo must be a picture of you. You are not permitted to use other photos, such as stock photos or animated images for your profile photo. 
    • If your account is part of a company or organization, you may use an image that represents the company
  • Each person is only allowed one profile

Link Guidelines

  • There are no links allowed in your instructor bio description.
  • Your website and social links must be added in the designated links for your profile page 
    • You may not add affiliate links, links to coupons, or to any outside sources other than those that are designated
  • Your social profile links must be for the service listed and the links must be working (double check them to verify the correct links were added). 

Other Profile Guidelines

  • All information must be authentic
  • No spam. illegal, inappropriate, or harassing content is permitted at anytime. Profiles that that break this rule are immediately subject to removal without a warning.
  • All content or videos added must adhere to the Invested Pro community guidelines

Profiles that do not meet the above guidelines, may be removed without notice (spam and bot accounts are removed immediately). If it's a minor infraction, we will notify you of the issue and ask that it is updated within a reasonable timeframe. 

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