Member Profile settings

Profile Setup and Guidelines for Members

Below are the guidelines to follow when setting up your member profile. Be sure to update all settings to get the most out of your experience at Invested Pro. 

Profile Options

First, to access your profile, hover over your initials or photo on the top right and select Settings.

  1. From the settings page, select your username to be used throughout the platform. Your username is used in the following areas:
    • Interacting with instructors; such as submitting questions, assignments, and quizzes
    • Using the Trader's exchange forum and posting comments, questions, or replies
    • Leaving course and instructor reviews and on the course completion certificates
    • On your public profile page that is accessible by everyone (unless you select to hide it)
  2. For your avatar photo, we recommend using a personal headshot. We recommend that you do not use stock photos or animated images for your profile photo. 
  3. Complete your bio by adding a brief description of your background and what you have joined Invested Pro to learn
  4. Set your local timezone to be sure live classes appear at the correct time for you. This timezone setting is used for all live lessons Zoom lessons on the platform. 
  5. Set the visibility of your public profile. This option is for your profile page at Your profile page includes your bio, your course reviews, and your enrolled courses. This is accessible publicly, unless you select to hide your profile in the settings. 

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