Quiz Attempts
Quizzes and Results
To access your quiz results anytime, go to the My Quiz Attempts section from the dashboard menu by hovering over your avatar on the top right of the screen. This is where you will get a snapshot of each quiz you have taken, including whether you have passed or failed based on the instructors grading guidelines.
Quizzes may include questions that the instructor needs to grade and questions that are weighted differently than others. In the above quiz results, the member passed the quiz even though they had missed two out of four questions. This is due to how the quiz questions were weighted (the number of points assigned to each question). Therefore, it's important to click on the details link to see each question and answer.
To view your results by question and to view the instructor comments about your quiz results, click on the details link and you will be able to view each question, your answers, and the instructors responses (if applicable).