Setting difficultly level

Course Builder Difficulty Level

When creating a new course and setting a difficulty level, members will immediately know if they are at the correct stage in their learning to take your course. The difficulty level is displayed on the course card listing in the search tool where members find their courses, which makes selecting the correct level critical. 

By setting the correct difficulty level, you will target members that will get the most out of your course, fully understand what you are teaching, and provide the highest ratings. Below are best practices and ideas to determine the correct difficulty level:

  • Avoid selecting "All Levels" unless your course is meant to be a refresher course on a subject or your course would be considered a general learning guide for the financial markets
  • Think of your course difficulty level based on the type of additional background and understanding is needed to get the most out of it
  • If your course is highly technical in nature or requires sharp math skills, it should be at the Intermediate or Expert level
  • If your course involves understanding basic concepts or discussing the current market environment, then consider using the Beginner level
  • If your course is part of a series of courses (and it's not the first course in the series) or needs a prerequisite, then it would not be considered a beginner course
  • If you have a very long course (15+ video lessons), consider breaking into multiple courses for members to digest it easier and having both a foundational course (Beginner level) and a more advanced course (Intermediate)

If you still have questions when determining the difficulty level, email our support team and we'll help you set the correct level.

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