How to become a Weekly Market Intelligence instructor

Become a Weekly Market Insight Instructor

When creating a course, by adding the Weekly Market Intelligence Category to your course, it will automatically be assigned to the Premium Membership Plan. This means the following:

  1. Only members of the Premium Plan can access this course
  2. You must now meet the requirements for adding a course to the Premium Plan level

Be sure to save the course in draft mode until you are ready to publish it. Once you have published your course, you are not able to change the categories. If you have done this by mistake, reach out to our support staff.

Weekly Market Intelligence Categories - Premium Members

When adding categories to your course, it will show you which plan level the course will be assigned to. Courses in the following 4 categories will be assigned to the Premium Plan:

  • Weekly Market Intelligence
  • Economic and Political Factors
  • Recent Volatility and Trading
  • Strategies and Systems


The requirements to become a Weekly Market Intelligence Instructor are listed out under the Premium Plan Courses

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