Why it's important to have an Intro Video
Creating the Intro Video
The Intro video is used to attract more members to your course and is shown to visitors when performing the following actions:
- Hovering over your course card from any course listing sections (including the Homepage)
- Search and filter course page (any visitors or members searching for a course)
- Your course Overview / Landing page
The intro video is the optimal way to stand out and get noticed on the Invested Pro platform. First impressions are important...so make a good one! We're here to help - just follow the outline below to create a professional intro video.
The intro video is a preview into your course. This overview video is meant to quickly capture the viewers attention and needs to be kept short (1-2 minutes in total length). It's important to show yourself talking in parts of the intro video. Therefore, be sure to stage the area before filming and present yourself with a clean and professional look.
Below are important tips and guidelines to follow for an effective Course Intro Video. It is recommended that the order below is followed when creating the intro video:
- In just a few short sentences, mention your background and experience
- Describe what members will learn or gain from taking your course. Specifically, mention what skills they will acquire and what they will be able to accomplish after completing this course.
- Example 1: You will learn my top 3 option trading strategies and how to implement the trades under different market conditions. This fully explained blueprint has yielded 3% average returns every month, but only when using my top options trading strategy and applied using the methods described in this course. All of my strategies are based on probability and they have been back tested. I have included the results going back 3 years.
- Example 2: I will teach you the basics of Technical Analysis and you will learn to accurately predict short term price moves using specific techniques that I have fine-tuned and tested over many years. You will also gain a thorough understanding of several key market indicators, such as support and resistance, Price Action, Volume, and moving averages.
- Example 3: There are several key benefits you will learn by taking this course. The first is that you will gain a deeper insight into how the financial markets function under different time horizons. You will finish this course with a thorough understanding of the different asset classes; and once you are done with this course, you will be able to craft your own portfolio based on your risk profile and future financial needs.
- Next, touch on a few specific items that you will teach. This should align with the Course description on the Course Overview page.
- Mention who will benefit the most from this course in order to attract the right members to enroll.
- Example 1: I created this course for those that already have a general understanding of Technical Analysis, but are ready to apply my specific strategies in the real world.
- Example 2: This course is mostly academic in nature, but will lead into my other more practical courses. It's crafted for those that wish to get a cursory understanding of economic theory of the financial markets.
- Example 3: This first half of this course will lay the foundation for learning a popular day trading method called Scalping. The second part will get into my specific strategies and insights. It's recommended that members already have a decent understanding of the risks associated with Day Trading, how to use stop losses, and the basics of Technical Analysis such as charts and trendlines.
- Encourage members to enroll in your course and open the door for them to contact you with any questions
Benefits of the Intro Video
There are many advantages to including an intro video to your courses. This allows the audience to get a quick feel for your style and it's also a way for them to get to know you briefly. The main benefits are:
- Garner more interest in your courses
- You can upload the intro Video to Social Media sites to increase awareness (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, etc)
- Gives members an idea of how you will teach the course
- Build up your personal or company brand on Invested Pro
- More course enrollees means more income generated from your course
- Adds credibility to your courses