Hosting Live Meetings with Zoom
About Live Zoom Meetings
Live meetings can be used to garner more interest in your courses and as a more seamless way to communicate with the Invested Pro members. You will be able to answer questions in real time and members will get face to face interactions. It's also a great way to hold workshops and to prepare members to become more independent in their trading and investing.
- In order to get paid for live meetings using Zoom, you must follow the instructions from this link and adhere to our guidelines: Getting Paid for Zoom Meetings
- Before using Zoom on your courses, you must follow the setup instructions here: Connecting Zoom to Your Account
Once you have setup Zoom, you can create live classes or training sessions in one of two ways from the Course builder (which is accessed from your dashboard menu by creating a new course or editing an existing course under the My Courses section).
- Setup a Zoom meeting from the create a new course page or your edit course page. This will be listed on your course overview page for everyone to see if they are subscribed to the courses plan level. If the live training session is meant to be part of your course lessons, use option 2 below instead.
- Setup a Zoom meeting as a lesson. Under the course builder section of your courses, you have the option to add Live Zoom lessons. Click the "Zoom Live Lesson" button as shown below to add a live lesson to your course.
Be sure to click Publish when you are done adding the Zoom meetings for it to be saved to your course.
Hosting Your Zoom Lessons
If you are hosting a Zoom meeting, registrants will be able to join using the meeting ID. This is the recommended approach. You may use a password if you wish and this is shared with members that have enrolled in your course. You must adhere to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy when using the Zoom integration. You must also adhere to Zoom's privacy policy and never share or use personally identifiable information of our members.
Be sure to record your Zoom lesson in order to upload to your course.
Do not allow any users to record the Zoom lesson. This is your lesson and your content and therefore should only be shared or distributed by you, the instructor.
Completed Zoom Lessons
When you are done with your Zoom lesson, be sure to remove it from your course Overview page so it doesn't show on the top of your course description anymore. This can be done by navigating to your My Courses section and clicking edit on your course listing. If you wish to continue receiving viewing credit for this lesson, be sure to upload the recording as a lesson in the course builder.
If the lesson was added to the course builder, you can delete the lesson from the course builder so it no longer shows up as a completed lesson and upload the recorded lesson for anyone to view. This way you will continue receiving credit for your Zoom lesson.
Getting Paid for Your Zoom Meetings
In order to be paid for your live Zoom meetings, you must follow the directions here: Getting Paid for Zoom Meetings