Types of courses (Pro, Pro Plus, Premium)

Invested Pro Course Offerings

Below are the different types of courses that you may create on Invested Pro. There are three main plan levels, and therefore each course must fall into one of these three plan levels. Instructors may create courses in any or all of these plan levels. Please remember that the quality of the course content, along with the structure and presentation of the materials, are very important to creating a successful course. Members come to Invested Pro to learn as much as they can about the financial markets and cryptocurrency markets. As an instructor on the Invested Pro platform, the objective is to help facilitate this learning in the most efficient manner. Here is a general overview of the types of courses to consider before starting:

  • Courses can be academic, theoretical, or practical
  • Depending on the course topic, it may be helpful to add some practical applications to a theoretical course
  • Practical courses should discuss specific market strategies and help members build technical skills to gain an understanding of how the markets function
  • From time to time, host different challenges and workshops (or a series of workshops) to improve collaboration on your courses
  • Structuring your courses will vary depending on the type of course it is. However, it is important to challenge the members and you may use quizzes and assignments to do that.
  • If teaching how to develop or implement algorithmic models and applying quantitative analysis, include a general framework of how your models are structured and outline the most important skillsets needed to view your courses.

There are many different types of courses that can be offered for these different plan levels. Below is an overview of each plan and the types of courses associated with each plan. 

Pro Plan Courses: Investing Courses

Create Investing courses on topics and areas that you have gained the most knowledge or experience in. Anything from how the financial markets work to building a custom portfolio. This may include a course on how to value a company, how to pick stocks, retirement planning, rebalancing, and more. 

As a reference, here is a link to the Investing Overview page from the website: Learn Investing

Pro Plus Plan Courses: Day Trading and Cryptocurrency Courses

The Pro Plus Plan encompasses a lot of different topics to pick from for your courses. Anything related to day trading, swing trading, derivatives trading, currency trading, position trading, Algo models, High Frequency Trading, Risk Management, Arbitrage, scalping, Forex, Technical Analysis, or Cryptocurrencies would fall into this bucket. There are many topics that fall into this category, but be sure to set the correct experience level on the course. It's recommended to also provide a general foundation of the topic at hand in the first few lessons of a course. 

As a quick reference, here is a link to the Day Trading Overview page from the website: Learn Trading

Premium Plan: Weekly Market Intelligence Courses

The premium plan is for Instructors that are actively involved in or actively following the markets and economy, and wish to provide additional insights by adding new lessons to your course on a frequent basis. In order to add your course to the Weekly Market Intelligence Plan, the following requirements must be met:

  • Contact us and let us know you wish to offer courses in this category
  • Each new weekly lesson must include at least 30 minutes of video
  • Weekly lessons can be either live via Zoom or pre-recorded
  • Weekly lessons must provide insights into the current market environment and how that relates to your strategies going forward and must be relevant to the course you are adding it to.

    • For example, it may help to provide a current market breakdown of the different indexes, sectors, and industries before diving into the specifics of your lesson. Provide as much context as possible for your students to fully grasp how to handle the market fluctuations.   
  • There must be at least 2 new lessons a month added to your course
  • The Weekly Market Intelligence Lessons must be specifically related to the course strategies that you are adding the lessons onto
  • If you need to remove your course from the Weekly Market Intelligence Plan, send us an email and we will work with you to change the Categories and Plan Level

Courses on this plan receive higher monthly payouts on their course for the extra lessons and additional insights being provided on a regular basis. Therefore, it is critical that the above requirements are met before adding your course to this plan.

As an additional reference, here is a link to the Weekly Market Intelligence page from the website: Weekly Market Intelligence

Selecting Your Course Plan Level

All courses must be added to the correct Plan level (as outlined above). When selecting the categories for your course, the plan level is determined by these categories. Click here to learn more about assigning your course to the correct plan level.

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