Choose your course categories carefully


Before Publishing Your Course

When creating a new course, you have a list of categories to choose from. The categories you select will determine which Plan level your course is assigned to. It is very important that you assign the course to the right plan level by choosing the correct categories. Here is why:

  • This is how members will find your course and it will also determine if they can access your course. 
  • Once  your course is published, the course categories cannot be changed
  • The plan level will also determine your Royalty payments for that course
  • Courses on the wrong plan level are not eligible for the Instructor Royalty program
  • We regularly review course listings and if they are assigned to the wrong categories, courses will be automatically unpublished until the requirements are met. 

Types of Courses - Membership Plan Levels

There are 3 main plan levels as listed here (Pro, Pro Plus, and Premium): Invested Pro Plans and Pricing

  • Pro Plan - Courses about Investing
  • Pro Plus Plan - Courses about Day Trading or Cryptocurrencies
  • Premium Plan - Courses that Include Weekly Market Intelligence. These can be for courses that would go on either the Investing Plan (Pro) or the Day Trading Plan (Pro Plus), but must follow these rules. 
    • In order to publish courses here, you must add weekly lessons related to the current market environment or the current economy. 
    • The weekly insights must be related to the original course topics. Find out more here: Weekly Market Course Requirements
  • Members have access to all courses on up to their plan level. For example, Pro Plus members have access to all Pro and Pro Plus courses. 

Adding Categories to Your Course

When creating a new course, there is a section to choose the categories. You may select all applicable categories. As soon as you add a category, you will see what Plan it will be assigned to. It will show one of the three plans as seen at the bottom of the screenshot here:

In this example above, the course will be assigned to the Pro Plus Plan since the course will be for Day Trading or Cryptocurrencies. Be sure to set the right categories before publishing the course. By just saving the course you will still be allowed to change it later, but once it is published, the category cannot be changed.

Members will find your courses more easily if you only choose highly relevant categories and tags. Be sure to limit your selections to the top 2-3 categories.

Course Categories Are Locked

Since member access is based on the categories, once your course is published, the category is locked and cannot be changed. 

  • This ensures that existing members are never kicked off of a course due to a future category change. 
  • Note that if you assign your course to a Weekly Market Intelligence (Premium Plan) category, you must offer weekly lessons about the current investing or trading environment

If you have additional questions regarding the categories, start by reviewing category guidelines. If you still have questions, send us an email.

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