Guidelines for Categories, Tags, and Search


When adding a new course, selecting categories will determine how members will find your courses and what Plan the course is assigned to. That's why it's very important to select the correct categories for your courses. 

  • You can add as many categories as you wish to a course, but only select categories that are closely correlated to the course topics. This will typically be a max of 2-3 categories.

You can change the categories anytime up until the course is published. Creating a draft course and saving a course will not lock in the categories. However, once you click publish on the course builder, the course will go Live and get indexed by our search engine. At that point, the categories are officially locked.


Tags are not used to determine the plan level. They are simply used for the search index so that members can quickly find your courses. 

  • The best practice is to select the top 2 or 3 tags for your course. Adding too many tags may confuse members if it's not relevant enough.

Search Index

Once you click publish on a course, it will be indexed by the Invested Pro search engine. It will show up soon after, but may take up to an hour. Once it shows up, it will be in the course listings for all members to access. Indexing is based of relevancy and content. Here are some tips to get your courses to show up for the right keywords and search suggestions:

  • The title of your course should be closely related to the overall course content
    • Create a descriptive title that isn't too long
  • Write a thorough, keyword rich, and highly relevant course description
    • Our search technology will automatically associate synonyms with your keywords
    • Also create a description that entices lots of members to your courses. 
  • Select highly targeted and relevant categories and tags as outlined above
  • Check your spelling before publishing your course

One of the best way for members to quickly find your course is to make sure you add the correct categories and tags, and limit the number of categories and tags to a select few. 

Live Lessons

Once you connect your account to Zoom and setup a Live lesson, your course will automatically be added into the Live Lessons filter. This means that anyone can quickly find your upcoming lessons by filtering on the Upcoming lessons option from the course listings page.

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