Instructor Approval Process

First Steps

After you have filled out your profile and you are ready to create your first course, click the "Add a New Course" button from your Dashboard. Be sure to fill out all course sections, upload each one of your video lessons, create the quizzes and assignments if applicate, and include the course Overview video. The Overview video is one of the most important selling opportunities for your course. 

Next, click the Course Approve button on the top of the page: 

Now confirm you wish to get your first course approved: 

Restrictions Removed

Our content team will review your course to make sure it meets the guidelines and standards as outlined in the Course Guidelines document. If it does not meet the required guidelines, you will receive an email with the changes or updates that are needed before we can approve your course. You will then have the opportunity to make those changes and re-submit it as soon as you are ready.

Once your course is approved by our staff, the following will occur:

  • Your profile link will become public
  • You will be able to freely publish as many courses and lessons as you wish
  • You will be granted access to the Trader's Exchange Forums

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